This site contains Earth Science content, activities, and other resources presented at Science Partnership workshops and summer institutes for Grades 3-8 teachers. The science content and resources from our programs may be accessed by clicking on the links below. This site will be updated frequently, so check back later!
Atmospheric Science
Global Change
Planetary Science
As you explore the Earth Science content and resources, you can return to this page with the links to the different units by clicking on Home at the top of each page.
Open Source Textbooks
These open source textbooks are freely available online. They are college level texts that are a valuable resource for teachers wishing to review.
The National Academies Press has a large number of free books available for download at their site These tend to be advanced texts or reports.
Earth Science Misconceptions
Scientific misconceptions are common and hinder deeper understanding of science content. People commonly build their knowledge of science on their current understanding including their misconceptions. The way that we may identify misconceptions in our students is through questioning and listening (assessment). Although a student may be told that their understanding is incorrect, most have a hard time giving up their misconception. The video documentary A Private Universe is an excellent study showing the prevalence of scientific misconceptions and the difficulty that students have in giving them up. A Private Universe can be viewed online by clicking here. The following are links to some lists of misconceptions in the Earth Sciences.
'Easier to Address' Earth Science Misconceptions (SERC)
Common Geoscience Misconceptions Organized by the Earth Science Literacy Principles (Michigan Teacher Excellence Program)
NGSS and Integrated Science
In California, Middle School courses may be organized as discipline specific in different grades or as integrated science from Grades 6-8. Click here to view the configuration of the Performance Standards by grade under both models.
Click to download a PDF.
Mathematics and Earth Sciences
The Math You Need, When You Need It. This is a terrific website with student tutorials (also great for teachers) that supports math skills in the Earth Sciences.